










1.    Xiaomin Gu, Mengyong Xue, Chenghui Ye, Yanwen Jiao, Yujie Han, Wenlin Wang, Xiaofei Zhang,  Shaun K. Frape, Bo Liu*. Evaluating heterogeneous lacustrine groundwater discharge of Hulun Lake using radium isotopes in Inner Mongolia, China, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies , 2024, 51: 101650.

2.    Mengyong Xue, Wenlin Wang, Xiaomin Gu*, Bo Liu, Yanwen Jiao, Wanchen Zhang, Chuang Zhao, Yujie Han, Yi Tong. Identifying spatial variability of water chemical characteristics and groundwater discharge in Hulun Lake integrated remote sensing data and chemical components, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 2024,31(7): 10689-10701.

3.    Wang W, Li W, Xue M, Gu X*, Ye C, Jiao Y, Liu B, Han Y, Tong Y, Zhang X. Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Lake Water and Groundwater Chemistry in Hulun Lake, Northeast China[J]. Water, 2023, 15(5): 937.

4.    顾晓敏; 崔亚莉; 邵景力; 张鹏; 张秋兰 ; 阿尔山泉群成因演化机制研究与资源评价, 地质出版社,2020

5.    Gu Xiaomin ; Xiao Yong ; Yin Shiyang, et.al. Impact of Long-Term Reclaimed Water Irrigation on the Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil: An In-Situ Experiment Study in the North China Plain, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019.2.22, 16(4): 649

6.    顾晓敏, 蒋庆丰, 钱鹏, 董进国, 韩宇捷.地理科学虚拟仿真实验教学系统建设探讨[J].高教学刊, 2023, 9(18):110-113.

7.    董进国, 王妙真, 曹书宁, 梁堃, 顾晓敏.基于“虚拟仿真实验”的课程思政探索与实践——以“地下水开采优化设计”为例[J].南京师大学报(自然科学版),2023,46(S01):127-131.

8.    Gu Xiaomin, Zhang Q*, Cui Y, Shao J, Xiao Y, Zhang P, Liu J. Hydrogeochemistry and genesis analysis of the thermal and mineral springs in Arxan, Northeastern China. Water, 2017, 9(1), 1-17.

9.    Gu Xiaomin, Xiao Y*, Yin S*, Pan X, Niu Y, Shao J, Cui Y, Zhang Q, Hao Q. Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the shallow groundwater quality in a typical irrigation area with reclaimed water, North China Plain. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2017, 189:154: DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-6229-3.

10.Gu Xiaomin, Shao J*, Cui Y, Hao Q. Calibration of two-dimensional variably saturated numerical model for groundwater flow in arid inland basin, China. Current Science, 2017, 113:1-10

11.Gu Xiaomin, Xiao Y*, Yin S*, Shao J, Pan X, Niu Y, Huang J. Groundwater level response to hydrogeological factors in semi-arid basin of Beijing, China. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQQA, 2017, 9(1),1-17.

12.Gu X, Shao J, Cui Y, Zhang Q, (2016). Hydrogeochemistry and genesis analysis of the geothermal springs in Arxan, Northeast China. 2229. Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

13.Xiao YGu X*, Yin S, et al. Investigation of Geochemical Characteristics and Controlling Processes of Groundwater in a Typical Long-Term Reclaimed Water Use Area. Water, 2017, 9(10), 800.

14.顾晓敏, 崔亚莉, 肖勇, . 昌平区山前平原地下水空间变异性特征分析.水文地质工程地质, 2015, 42(2):10-15.

15.顾晓敏, 张戈, 郝奇琛, . 基于TOUGH2的柴达木盆地诺木洪剖面地下水流模拟. 干旱区地理, 2016, 39(3): 548-554.

16.Xiao Y, Gu X, Yin S*, et al. Geostatistical interpolation model selection based on ArcGIS and spatio-temporal variability analysis of groundwater level in piedmont plains, northwest China. SpringerPlus, 2016, 5(1): 1-15.

17.Yin S, Bi X, Niu Y, Gu X, Xiao Y. Hyperspectral classification for identifying decayed oranges infected by fungi. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2017, 29(8): 601-609.

18.Yin S, Shao J*, Li Z, Liu H, Cui Y, Zhang Q, Wang S, Gu X, Xiao Y. The influence of reclaimed water recharge on 12 isomers of NP in groundwater. Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, Atlantis Press, 2016.

19.肖勇, 邵景力, 顾晓敏, . 北京昌平平原区地下水污染特征.南水北调与水利科技, 2015, 13(2): 252-256.

20.肖勇, 尹世洋, 邵景力, 崔亚莉,顾晓敏,马涛. 灰色预测与时间序列分析在地下水位预测中的应用.灌溉排水学报, 2015, 34(Z1): 207-211.




1.         2021-2023,呼伦湖保护区科学技术研究能力加强关键技术研究项目委托课题“呼伦湖地下水-地表水补排交互特征与补播优良牧草对河湖缓冲带草地质量的影响研究”,结题,参与。

2.         2021-2022,教育部产学合作协同育人项目“水文学虚拟仿真实验教学课程设计”,结题,主持。

3.         2020-2022,江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目“基于多示踪方法的滨海深部地热水补给机制研究”20KJB170022,  结题, 主持。

4.         2019-2021,南通市科技局基础科学研究项目“南通如东县小洋口地热水化学演化特征及成因机制研究”,JC2019159,结题,主持。

5.         2016-2017,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“阿尔山泉群水化学特征及成因演化机制研究”,结题,主持。                                           

6.         2015-2016,阿尔山国家地质公园管理局项目阿尔山世界地质公园泉域水文地质调查与泉水资源评价研究专题,结题,参与。                                                         

7.         2013-2014,中国地质调查局项目柴达木河流域地下水与地表水转化关系及循环更新能力研究专题,结题,参与。

8.         2012-2013,水利部公益项目东南郊水网再生水利用对地下水环境影响的研究,结题,参与。

9.         2012-2015,中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所合作项目华北平原典型地区地下水回灌关键技术与示范工程,结题,参与。

10.     2013-2015,中国地质调查局宁夏沿黄经济区水文地质环境地质调查项目卫宁平原包气带原位试验及数值模拟研究,结题,参与。